On 23 March each year we celebrate an Australian icon: the Eucalypt.  

The Eucalypt leaf is the centrepiece of the Australian Mutual Bank logo which represents the 'Australian' element. The two leaves join to represent our mutuality and common purpose, whilst the rolling geometric lines reflect our progressive banking services and technology.

Did you know that there are more than 800 species of Eucalypt dominating the Australian landscape?

You'll find Eucalypt forests, woodland and shrublands in all environments except the most arid deserts.

Here are 5 of our favourite fun facts about Eucalyptus:

  • Eucalypts are the tallest flowering plant on Earth
  • The mature eucalyptus leaves are positioned downwards to reduce exposure to high levels of sunlight and water loss
  • Most eucalyptus trees can survive more than 250 years in the wild
  • Many eucalypts have special fire-adaptive traits, including re-sprouting after fires.
  • Eucalypts are also known as "gum trees" because of the rubbery substance that flows from the injured bark.​

For more on National Eucalypt Day, visit https://www.eucalyptaustralia.org.au/national-eucalypt-day/

23 March 2022