This week, a group of enthusiastic staff came together on behalf of the Australian Mutuals Foundation to take part in the 2024 Barnardos Australia Amazing Race event which was held on Thursday 30th May.

The Barnardos Amazing Race event encourages participants to use critical thinking and problem-solving skills to navigate through various activities and tasks to reach the next checkpoint. This amazing event coincided with National Reconciliation Week (NRW) and all funds raised will support Barnardos Aboriginal Learning Centre’s and support services.   

Overall, the event was a huge success, with the team enjoying the opportunity to come together, work as a team and have some fun all whilst supporting the valuable work of Barnardos. 

Some of the participants shared some comments of their experience: 

Participating in the Barnardos Amazing Race event was an exhilarating experience that combined the thrill of competition with the joy of team building. Imagine racing against the clock with your teammates, solving clues, navigating challenges, and exploring new places (for me), while fostering camaraderie and collaboration. This adventure strengthened bonds, honed problem-solving skills, and encouraged creative thinking. The shared excitement of overcoming obstacles and celebrating second place created lasting memories has also reinforced the importance of teamwork. Whether you're strategising your next move or cheering each other on, the Amazing Race was a fun and dynamic way to connect, grow, and achieve together. - Eva

Whilst it was an amazing race, it wasn’t just about crossing the finishing line first it was about having fun, being creative and working together as a team.  It was a really great bonding experience for the employees involved.  Our Team the AMF Super six came second overall which was amazing, considering we were last to every check point lol.  We showed how well we worked as a team and how creative we could be when it came to taking some happy snaps along the way!  It is an event that I would highly recommend to anybody to get involved in and what was great is that it occurred during NRW where all proceeds raised from team registrations went to Barnardos Aboriginal Learning Centres and support services. Marc

I would like to thank Australian Mutual Bank for giving me to opportunity to participate in the Amazing Race. It was amazing experience to enjoy with colleagues, and discovering parts of the city I had never been before and learning about how each of the team was able to contribute in different ways and work together for the end goal. And we were lucky to have the perfect Autumn Day. - Narelle  

Australian Mutual Bank, through the work of the Australian Mutuals Foundation, is committed to social responsibility and provides volunteering opportunities for our staff to participate in. 


31 May 2024