Hi team,

Please be advised that the '{form_name}' has been completed on the website. 

Home loan application

I am applying... {iAmApplying}


Applicant 1 Personal Details

Are you a member? {areYouAMemberOne}
What is your member number? {whatIsYourMemberNumberOne}
Title {titleOne}
Other {otherOne}
First name {firstNameOne}
Middle name {middleName1}
Last name {lastNameOne}
Preferred contact options {preferredContactOptions1}
Mobile number {mobileNumber1}
Email address {emailAddress1}
Have you been known by another name? If yes, please advise: {haveYouBeenKnownByAnotherNameIfYesPleaseAdvise1}

Applicant 2 Personal Details

Are you a member? {areYouAMember2}
What is your member number? {whatIsYourMemberNumber2}
Title {title2}
Other {other2}
First name {firstName2}
Middle name {middleName2}
Last name {lastName2}
Preferred contact options {preferredContactOptions2}
Mobile number {mobileNumber2}
Email address {emailAddress2}
Have you been known by another name? If yes, please advise: {haveYouBeenKnownByAnotherNameIfYesPleaseAdvise2}

Applicant 3 Personal Details

Are you a member? {areYouAMember3}
What is your member number? {whatIsYourMemberNumber3}
Title {title3}
Other {other3}
First name {firstName3}
Middle name {middleName3}
Last name {lastName3}
Preferred contact options {preferredContactOptions3}
Mobile number {mobileNumber3}
Email address {emailAddress3}
Have you been known by another name? If yes, please advise: {haveYouBeenKnownByAnotherNameIfYesPleaseAdvise3}

Applicant 4 Personal Details

Are you a member? {areYouAMember4}
What is your member number? {whatIsYourMemberNumber4}
Title {title4}
Other {other4}
First name {firstName4}
Middle name {middleName4}
Last name {lastName4}
Preferred contact options {preferredContactOptions4}
Mobile number {mobileNumber4}
Email address {emailAddress4}
Have you been known by another name? If yes, please advise: {haveYouBeenKnownByAnotherNameIfYesPleaseAdvise4}


Loan details

What loan would you like to apply for? {whatLoanWouldYouLikeToApplyFor}
Amount required {amountRequired1}
Purpose of the loan {purposeOfTheLoan1}
How did you hear about us? {howDidYouHearAboutUs}
Other {other5}
Do you belong to any of these groups? {doYouBelongToAnyOfTheseGroups}
How would you like your application handled? {howWouldYouLikeYourApplicationHandled}
Please select which branch {pleaseSelectWhichBranch}
Please select a Mobile Lender {pleaseSelectAMobileLender}
Please select your Business Relationship Manager {pleaseSelectYourBusinessRelationshipManager}
Are there any guarantors? {areThereAnyGuarantors}
Guarantor 1 {guarantor1}
Guarantor 2 {guarantor2}
Guarantor 3 {guarantor3}
Guarantor 4 {guarantor4}
I/We expressly consent to you disclosing my/our credit report to the proposed guarantor(s) nominated above. {iWeExpresslyConsentToYouDisclosingMyourCreditReportToTheProposedGuarantorSNominatedAbove}

Applicant 1 Personal Details Continued

Date of birth {dateOfBirth1}
Driver's licence number {driversLicenceNumber1}
Driver's licence expiry date {driversLicenceExpiryDate1}
Marital status {maritalStatus1}
Current address  
Street no. & name {streetNoName1}
Suburb {suburb1}
State {state1}
Postcode {postcode1}
Started living at address {startedLivingAtAddress1}
Years at current address {yearsAtCurrentAddress1}
Previous address  
Previous Street no. & name {previousStreetNoName1}
Previous Suburb {previousSuburb1}
Previous State {previousState1}
Previous postcode {previousPostcode}
Residential status {residentialStatus}
Different postal address? {differentPostalAddress}
Postal address  
Postal Street no. & name {postalStreetNoName1}
Postal suburb {postalSuburb1}
Postal state {postalState1}
Postal postcode {postalPostcode1}
Are you an Australian citizen? {areYouAnAustralianCitizen1}
If no, what is your country of Citizenship? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfCitizenship1}
Are you an Australian resident? {areYouAnAustralianResident1}
If no, what is your country of Residency? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfResidency1}
Are you a resident for tax purposes of another country? {areYouAResidentForTaxPurposesOfAnotherCountry1}
How many people are financially dependent on you? {howManyPeopleAreFinanciallyDependentOnYou1}
What are their ages? {whatAreTheirAges}
Applicant 1 Employment and Income Details  
Occupation {occupation1}
Employment status {employmentStatus1}
Employer / business name {employerBusinessName1}
Employer address {employerAddress1}
Date started at employment {dateStartedAtEmployment1}
Duration of employment {durationOfEmployment1}
Employer phone number {employerPhoneNumber1}
Gross income from main employment ($) {grossIncomeFromMainEmployment1}
Gross income frequency {Grossincomefrequency1}
Rental income ($) {rentalIncome1}
Rental income frequency {rentalIncomeFrequency1}
Child maintenance income ($) {childMaintenanceIncome1}
Child maintenance income frequency {childMaintenanceIncomeFrequency1}
Total other income ($) {totalOtherIncome1}
Total other income frequency {totalOtherIncomeFrequency1}
Previous occupation {previousOccupation1}
Previous employment status {previousEmploymentStatus1}
Previous employer / business name {previousEmployerBusinessName1}
Previous employer phone number {previousEmployerPhoneNumber1}
Previous employer address {previousEmployerAddress1}
Previous duration of employment {previousDurationOfEmployment1}

Applicant 2 Personal Details Continued

Date of birth {dateOfBirth2}
Driver's licence number {driversLicenceNumber2}
Driver's licence expiry date {driversLicenceExpiryDate2}
Marital status {maritalStatus2}
Current address  
Street no. & name {streetNoName2}
Suburb {suburb2}
State {state2}
Postcode {postcode2}
Started living at address {startedLivingAtAddress2}
Years at current address {yearsAtCurrentAddress2}
Previous address  
Previous Street no. & name {previousStreetNoName2}
Previous Suburb {previousSuburb2}
Previous State {previousState2}
Previous postcode {previousPostcode2}
Residential status {residentialStatus2}
Different postal address? {differentPostalAddress2}
Postal address  
Postal Street no. & name {postalStreetNoName2}
Postal suburb {postalSuburb2}
Postal state {postalState2}
Postal postcode {postalPostcode2}
Are you an Australian citizen? {areYouAnAustralianCitizen2}
If no, what is your country of Citizenship? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfCitizenship2}
Are you an Australian resident? {areYouAnAustralianResident2}
If no, what is your country of Residency? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfResidency2}
Are you a resident for tax purposes of another country? {areYouAResidentForTaxPurposesOfAnotherCountry2}
How many people are financially dependent on you? {howManyPeopleAreFinanciallyDependentOnYou2}
What are their ages? {whatAreTheirAges2}
Applicant 1 Employment and Income Details  
Occupation {occupation2}
Employment status {employmentStatus2}
Employer / business name {employerBusinessName2}
Employer address {employerAddress2}
Date started at employment {dateStartedAtEmployment2}
Duration of employment {durationOfEmployment2}
Employer phone number {employerPhoneNumber2}
Gross income from main employment ($) {grossIncomeFromMainEmployment2}
Gross income frequency {grossIncomeFrequency2}
Rental income ($) {rentalIncome2}
Rental income frequency {rentalIncomeFrequency2}
Child maintenance income ($) {childMaintenanceIncome2}
Child maintenance income frequency {childMaintenanceIncomeFrequency2}
Total other income ($) {totalOtherIncome2}
Total other income frequency {totalOtherIncomeFrequency2}
Previous occupation {previousOccupation2}
Previous employment status {previousEmploymentStatus2}
Previous employer / business name {previousEmployerBusinessName2}
Previous employer phone number {previousEmployerPhoneNumber2}
Previous employer address {previousEmployerAddress2}
Previous duration of employment {previousDurationOfEmployment2}

Applicant 3 Personal Details Continued

Date of birth {dateOfBirth3}
Driver's licence number {driversLicenceNumber3}
Driver's licence expiry date {driversLicenceExpiryDate3}
Marital status {maritalStatus3}
Current address  
Street no. & name {streetNoName3}
Suburb {suburb3}
State {state3}
Postcode {postcode3}
Started living at address {startedLivingAtAddress3}
Years at current address {yearsAtCurrentAddress3}
Previous address  
Previous Street no. & name {previousStreetNoName3}
Previous Suburb {previousSuburb3}
Previous State {previousState3}
Previous postcode {previousPostcode3}
Residential status {residentialStatus3}
Different postal address? {differentPostalAddress3}
Postal address  
Postal Street no. & name {postalStreetNoName3}
Postal suburb {postalSuburb3}
Postal state {postalState3}
Postal postcode {postalPostcode3}
Are you an Australian citizen? {areYouAnAustralianCitizen3}
If no, what is your country of Citizenship? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfCitizenship3}
Are you an Australian resident? {areYouAnAustralianResident3}
If no, what is your country of Residency? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfResidency3}
Are you a resident for tax purposes of another country? {areYouAResidentForTaxPurposesOfAnotherCountry3}
How many people are financially dependent on you? {howManyPeopleAreFinanciallyDependentOnYou3}
What are their ages? {whatAreTheirAges3}
Applicant 1 Employment and Income Details  
Occupation {occupation3}
Employment status {employmentStatus3}
Employer / business name {employerBusinessName3}
Employer address {employerAddress3}
Date started at employment {dateStartedAtEmployment3}
Duration of employment {durationOfEmployment3}
Employer phone number {employerPhoneNumber3}
Gross income from main employment ($) {grossIncomeFromMainEmployment3}
Gross income frequency {grossIncomeFrequency3}
Rental income ($) {rentalIncome3}
Rental income frequency {rentalIncomeFrequency3}
Child maintenance income ($) {childMaintenanceIncome3}
Child maintenance income frequency {childMaintenanceIncomeFrequency3}
Total other income ($) {totalOtherIncome3}
Total other income frequency {totalOtherIncomeFrequency3}
Previous occupation {previousOccupation3}
Previous employment status {previousEmploymentStatus3}
Previous employer / business name {previousEmployerBusinessName3}
Previous employer phone number {previousEmployerPhoneNumber3}
Previous employer address {previousEmployerAddress3}
Previous duration of employment {previousDurationOfEmployment3}

Applicant 4 Personal Details Continued

Date of birth {dateOfBirth4}
Driver's licence number {driversLicenceNumber4}
Driver's licence expiry date {driversLicenceExpiryDate4}
Marital status {maritalStatus4}
Current address  
Street no. & name {streetNoName4}
Suburb {suburb4}
State {state4}
Postcode {postcode4}
Started living at address {startedLivingAtAddress4}
Years at current address {yearsAtCurrentAddress4}
Previous address  
Previous Street no. & name {previousStreetNoName4}
Previous Suburb {previousSuburb4}
Previous State {previousState4}
Previous postcode {previousPostcode4}
Residential status {residentialStatus4}
Different postal address? {differentPostalAddress4}
Postal address  
Postal Street no. & name {postalStreetNoName4}
Postal suburb {postalSuburb4}
Postal state {postalState4}
Postal postcode {postalPostcode4}
Are you an Australian citizen? {areYouAnAustralianCitizen4}
If no, what is your country of Citizenship? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfCitizenship4}
Are you an Australian resident? {areYouAnAustralianResident4}
If no, what is your country of Residency? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfResidency4}
Are you a resident for tax purposes of another country? {areYouAResidentForTaxPurposesOfAnotherCountry4}
How many people are financially dependent on you? {howManyPeopleAreFinanciallyDependentOnYou4}
What are their ages? {whatAreTheirAges4}
Applicant 1 Employment and Income Details  
Occupation {occupation4}
Employment status {employmentStatus4}
Employer / business name {employerBusinessName4}
Employer address {employerAddress4}
Date started at employment {dateStartedAtEmployment4}
Duration of employment {durationOfEmployment4}
Employer phone number {employerPhoneNumber4}
Gross income from main employment ($) {grossIncomeFromMainEmployment4}
Gross income frequency {grossIncomeFrequency4}
Rental income ($) {rentalIncome4}
Rental income frequency {rentalIncomeFrequency4}
Child maintenance income ($) {childMaintenanceIncome4}
Child maintenance income frequency {childMaintenanceIncomeFrequency4}
Total other income ($) {totalOtherIncome4}
Total other income frequency {totalOtherIncomeFrequency4}
Previous occupation {previousOccupation4}
Previous employment status {previousEmploymentStatus4}
Previous employer / business name {previousEmployerBusinessName4}
Previous employer phone number {previousEmployerPhoneNumber4}
Previous employer address {previousEmployerAddress4}
Previous duration of employment {previousDurationOfEmployment4}

Tell us about the things you own

Do you have any of the following? {doYouHaveAnyOfTheFollowing}
Property address: {propertyAddress1}
Value: {value1}
Add another Property? {addAnotherProperty1}
Property address: {propertyAddress2}
Value: {value2}
Add another Property? {addAnotherProperty3}
Property address: {propertyAddress3}
Value: {value3}
Make: {make1}
Model: {model1}
Year: {year1}
Value: {value11}
Add another Vehicle? {addAnotherVehicle1}
Make: {make2}
Model: {model2}
Year: {year2}
Value: {value22}
Add another Vehicle? {addAnotherVehicle2}
Make: {make3}
Model: {model3}
Year: {year3}
Value: {value33}
Name of insurer: {nameOfInsurer}
Please enter the value of your household contents: {pleaseEnterTheValueOfYourHouseholdContents}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution1}
Balance {balance1}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution2}
Balance: {balance2}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount2}
Financial Institution: {financialInstitution3}
Balance: {balance3}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount4}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution4}
Balance: {balance4}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount5}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution5}
Balance: {balance5}
Applicant 1  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund1}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount1}
Applicant 2  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund2}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount2}
Applicant 3  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund3}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount3}
Applicant 4  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund4}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount4}
Tools of trade  
Applicant 1  
Description: {description1}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue1}
Applicant 2  
Description: {description2}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue2}
Applicant 3  
Description: {description3}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue3}
Applicant 4  
Description: {description4}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue4}
Please enter the value of your Shares: {pleaseEnterTheValueOfYourShares}
Details: {details1}
Value: {value111}
Add another? {addAnother1}
Details: {details2}
Value: {value222}
Add another? {addAnother3}
Details: {details3}
Value: {value333}
Add another? {addAnother4}
Details: {details4}
Value: {value444}
Add another? {addAnother5}
Details: {details5}
Value: {value555}

Tell us about your financial commitments

Do you have any of the following? {doYouHaveAnyOfTheFollowing2}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution11}
Repayment: {repayment1}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency1}
Balance: {balance11}
Add another Mortgage? {addAnotherMortgage}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution22}
Repayment: {repayment2}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency22}
Balance: {balance22}
Add another Mortgage? {addAnotherMortgage3}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution33}
Repayment: {repayment3}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency33}
Balance: {balance33}
Rent / Board  
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord1}
Amount: {amount111}
Frequency: {frequency111}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard}
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord2}
Amount: {amount222}
Frequency: {frequency222}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard2}
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord3}
Amount: {amount333}
Frequency: {frequency333}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard4}
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord4}
Amount: {amount444}
Frequency: {frequency444}
Personal Loan  
Financial institution: {financialInstitution111}
Repayment: {repayment11}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency111}
Balance: {balance111}
Add another Personal Loan? {addAnotherPersonalLoan1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution222}
Repayment: {repayment22}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency222}
Balance: {balance222}
Add another Personal Loan? {addAnotherPersonalLoan3}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution333}
Repayment: {repayment33}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency333}
Balance: {balance333}
Novated Car Lease  
Financial institution: {financialInstitution1111}
Repayment: {repayment1111}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency1111}
Balance: {balance1111}
Credit/Store Cards  
Financial institution: {financialInstitution11111}
Balance: {balance11111}
Limit: {limit11111}
Add another Credit/Store Card? {addAnotherCreditStoreCard1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution22222}
Balance: {balance22222}
Limit: {limit22222}
Add another Credit/Store Card? {addAnotherCreditStoreCard2}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution33333}
Balance: {balance33333}
Limit: {limit33333}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution111111}
Balance: {balance111111}
Limit: {limit111111}
Add another overdraft? {addanotheroverdraft1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution222222}
Balance: {balance222222}
Limit: {limit222222}
Add another overdraft? {addanotheroverdraft2}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution333333}
Balance: {balance333333}
Limit: {limit333333}
Higher Education Loan Program (e.g HECS-HELP)  
Please enter your outstanding debt balance: {pleaseEnterYourOutstandingDebtBalance}
Child Support  
Please enter the amount of child support you pay: {pleaseEnterTheAmountOfChildSupportYouPay}
Payment Frequency: {ChildSupportpaymentFrequency}
Description: {descriptionD}
Repayment: {repaymentD}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequencyD}
Balance {balanceD}
Add another? {addAnotherD}
Description: {descriptionDD}
Repayment: {repaymentDD}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequencyDD}
Add another? {addAnotherDD}
Description: {descriptionDDD}
Repayment: {repaymentDDD}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequencyDDD}
Balance: {balanceDDD}

Your monthly costs of living

Utilities {utilities}
Communication {communication}
Education {education}
Clothing {clothing}
Food {food}
Health Care {healthCare}
Insurance {insurance}
Transport {transport}
Buy Now - Pay Later {buyNowPayLater}
Other expenses {otherExpenses}
Do you anticipate that your living expenses noted above will increase as a result of this loan? {doYouAnticipateThatYourLivingExpensesNotedAboveWillIncreaseAsAResultOfThisLoan}
Please estimate the total amount of increase {pleaseEstimateTheTotalAmountOfIncrease}

Additional information

Do you require a credit card  
Would you also like to apply for a credit card as part of this application? {wouldYouAlsoLikeToApplyForACreditCardAsPartOfThisApplication}
What credit card limit do you wish to apply for? {whatCreditCardLimitDoYouWishToApplyFor}
Are there any significant foreseeable upcoming changes to your financial circumstances, which may impact your earnings or ability to make repayments (e.g employment changes)? {significantforeseeableupcomingchanges}
Please provide reason why and by how much do you anticipate your monthly net disposable income to decrease? {Pleaseprovidereasonwhy}
Have you ever had any judgement, garnishees or other legal proceedings against you in the last five years (including bankruptcy) {Haveyoueverhadany}
If yes, please detail: {ifYesPleaseDetail}
Has either member acted as a guarantor for any other loans? {hasEitherMemberActedAsAGuarantorForAnyOtherLoans}
If yes, please detail {ifYesPleaseDetail1}
Please provide any other information that will help us process your application {pleaseProvideAnyOtherInformationThatWillHelpUsProcessYourApplication}

Important Information

Is this loan to be used predominantly (i.e. more than 50%) for {isThisLoanToBeUsedPredominantlyIeMoreThan50For}
Would you like product information? {wouldYouLikeProductInformation}
If yes: {ifYes}
Would you like to make a no-obligation, complimentary appointment to see a financial planner? {wouldYouLikeToMakeANoObligationComplimentaryAppointmentToSeeAFinancialPlanner}
Declaration by Applicants  
I/We accept the above statements and conditions {iWeAcceptTheAboveStatementsAndConditions}
I/We declare that I have read, understood and accept the above terms and conditions {iWeDeclareThatIHaveReadUnderstoodAndAcceptTheAboveTermsAndConditions}

Hi team,

Please be advised that the '{form_name}' has been completed on the website. Single application.

Home loan application

I am applying... {iAmApplying}


Applicant 1 Personal Details

Are you a member? {areYouAMemberOne}
What is your member number? {whatIsYourMemberNumberOne}
Title {titleOne}
Other {otherOne}
First name {firstNameOne}
Middle name {middleName1}
Last name {lastNameOne}
Preferred contact options {preferredContactOptions1}
Mobile number {mobileNumber1}
Email address {emailAddress1}
Have you been known by another name? If yes, please advise: {haveYouBeenKnownByAnotherNameIfYesPleaseAdvise1}


Loan details

What loan would you like to apply for? {whatLoanWouldYouLikeToApplyFor}
Amount required {amountRequired1}
Purpose of the loan {purposeOfTheLoan1}
How did you hear about us? {howDidYouHearAboutUs}
Other {other5}
Do you belong to any of these groups? {doYouBelongToAnyOfTheseGroups}
How would you like your application handled? {howWouldYouLikeYourApplicationHandled}
Please select which branch {pleaseSelectWhichBranch}
Please select a Mobile Lender {pleaseSelectAMobileLender}
Please select your Business Relationship Manager {pleaseSelectYourBusinessRelationshipManager}
Are there any guarantors? {areThereAnyGuarantors}
Guarantor 1 {guarantor1}
Guarantor 2 {guarantor2}
Guarantor 3 {guarantor3}
Guarantor 4 {guarantor4}
I/We expressly consent to you disclosing my/our credit report to the proposed guarantor(s) nominated above. {iWeExpresslyConsentToYouDisclosingMyourCreditReportToTheProposedGuarantorSNominatedAbove}

Applicant 1 Personal Details Continued

Date of birth {dateOfBirth1}
Driver's licence number {driversLicenceNumber1}
Driver's licence expiry date {driversLicenceExpiryDate1}
Marital status {maritalStatus1}
Current address  
Street no. & name {streetNoName1}
Suburb {suburb1}
State {state1}
Postcode {postcode1}
Started living at address {startedLivingAtAddress1}
Years at current address {yearsAtCurrentAddress1}
Previous address  
Previous Street no. & name {previousStreetNoName1}
Previous Suburb {previousSuburb1}
Previous State {previousState1}
Previous postcode {previousPostcode}
Residential status {residentialStatus}
Different postal address? {differentPostalAddress}
Postal address  
Postal Street no. & name {postalStreetNoName1}
Postal suburb {postalSuburb1}
Postal state {postalState1}
Postal postcode {postalPostcode1}
Are you an Australian citizen? {areYouAnAustralianCitizen1}
If no, what is your country of Citizenship? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfCitizenship1}
Are you an Australian resident? {areYouAnAustralianResident1}
If no, what is your country of Residency? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfResidency1}
Are you a resident for tax purposes of another country? {areYouAResidentForTaxPurposesOfAnotherCountry1}
How many people are financially dependent on you? {howManyPeopleAreFinanciallyDependentOnYou1}
What are their ages? {whatAreTheirAges}
Applicant 1 Employment and Income Details  
Occupation {occupation1}
Employment status {employmentStatus1}
Employer / business name {employerBusinessName1}
Employer address {employerAddress1}
Date started at employment {dateStartedAtEmployment1}
Duration of employment {durationOfEmployment1}
Employer phone number {employerPhoneNumber1}
Gross income from main employment ($) {grossIncomeFromMainEmployment1}
Gross income frequency {Grossincomefrequency1}
Rental income ($) {rentalIncome1}
Rental income frequency {rentalIncomeFrequency1}
Child maintenance income ($) {childMaintenanceIncome1}
Child maintenance income frequency {childMaintenanceIncomeFrequency1}
Total other income ($) {totalOtherIncome1}
Total other income frequency {totalOtherIncomeFrequency1}
Previous occupation {previousOccupation1}
Previous employment status {previousEmploymentStatus1}
Previous employer / business name {previousEmployerBusinessName1}
Previous employer phone number {previousEmployerPhoneNumber1}
Previous employer address {previousEmployerAddress1}
Previous duration of employment {previousDurationOfEmployment1}

Tell us about the things you own

Do you have any of the following? {doYouHaveAnyOfTheFollowing}
Property address: {propertyAddress1}
Value: {value1}
Add another Property? {addAnotherProperty1}
Property address: {propertyAddress2}
Value: {value2}
Add another Property? {addAnotherProperty3}
Property address: {propertyAddress3}
Value: {value3}
Make: {make1}
Model: {model1}
Year: {year1}
Value: {value11}
Add another Vehicle? {addAnotherVehicle1}
Make: {make2}
Model: {model2}
Year: {year2}
Value: {value22}
Add another Vehicle? {addAnotherVehicle2}
Make: {make3}
Model: {model3}
Year: {year3}
Value: {value33}
Name of insurer: {nameOfInsurer}
Please enter the value of your household contents: {pleaseEnterTheValueOfYourHouseholdContents}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution1}
Balance {balance1}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution2}
Balance: {balance2}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount2}
Financial Institution: {financialInstitution3}
Balance: {balance3}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount4}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution4}
Balance: {balance4}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount5}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution5}
Balance: {balance5}
Applicant 1  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund1}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount1}
Applicant 2  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund2}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount2}
Applicant 3  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund3}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount3}
Applicant 4  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund4}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount4}
Tools of trade  
Applicant 1  
Description: {description1}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue1}
Applicant 2  
Description: {description2}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue2}
Applicant 3  
Description: {description3}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue3}
Applicant 4  
Description: {description4}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue4}
Please enter the value of your Shares: {pleaseEnterTheValueOfYourShares}
Details: {details1}
Value: {value111}
Add another? {addAnother1}
Details: {details2}
Value: {value222}
Add another? {addAnother3}
Details: {details3}
Value: {value333}
Add another? {addAnother4}
Details: {details4}
Value: {value444}
Add another? {addAnother5}
Details: {details5}
Value: {value555}

Tell us about your financial commitments

Do you have any of the following? {doYouHaveAnyOfTheFollowing2}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution11}
Repayment: {repayment1}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency1}
Balance: {balance11}
Add another Mortgage? {addAnotherMortgage}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution22}
Repayment: {repayment2}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency22}
Balance: {balance22}
Add another Mortgage? {addAnotherMortgage3}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution33}
Repayment: {repayment3}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency33}
Balance: {balance33}
Rent / Board  
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord1}
Amount: {amount111}
Frequency: {frequency111}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard}
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord2}
Amount: {amount222}
Frequency: {frequency222}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard2}
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord3}
Amount: {amount333}
Frequency: {frequency333}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard4}
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord4}
Amount: {amount444}
Frequency: {frequency444}
Personal Loan  
Financial institution: {financialInstitution111}
Repayment: {repayment11}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency111}
Balance: {balance111}
Add another Personal Loan? {addAnotherPersonalLoan1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution222}
Repayment: {repayment22}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency222}
Balance: {balance222}
Add another Personal Loan? {addAnotherPersonalLoan3}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution333}
Repayment: {repayment33}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency333}
Balance: {balance333}
Novated Car Lease  
Financial institution: {financialInstitution1111}
Repayment: {repayment1111}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency1111}
Balance: {balance1111}
Credit/Store Cards  
Financial institution: {financialInstitution11111}
Balance: {balance11111}
Limit: {limit11111}
Add another Credit/Store Card? {addAnotherCreditStoreCard1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution22222}
Balance: {balance22222}
Limit: {limit22222}
Add another Credit/Store Card? {addAnotherCreditStoreCard2}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution33333}
Balance: {balance33333}
Limit: {limit33333}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution111111}
Balance: {balance111111}
Limit: {limit111111}
Add another overdraft? {addanotheroverdraft1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution222222}
Balance: {balance222222}
Limit: {limit222222}
Add another overdraft? {addanotheroverdraft2}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution333333}
Balance: {balance333333}
Limit: {limit333333}
Higher Education Loan Program (e.g HECS-HELP)  
Please enter your outstanding debt balance: {pleaseEnterYourOutstandingDebtBalance}
Child Support  
Please enter the amount of child support you pay: {pleaseEnterTheAmountOfChildSupportYouPay}
Payment Frequency: {ChildSupportpaymentFrequency}
Description: {descriptionD}
Repayment: {repaymentD}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequencyD}
Balance {balanceD}
Add another? {addAnotherD}
Description: {descriptionDD}
Repayment: {repaymentDD}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequencyDD}
Add another? {addAnotherDD}
Description: {descriptionDDD}
Repayment: {repaymentDDD}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequencyDDD}
Balance: {balanceDDD}

Your monthly costs of living

Utilities {utilities}
Communication {communication}
Education {education}
Clothing {clothing}
Food {food}
Health Care {healthCare}
Insurance {insurance}
Transport {transport}
Buy Now - Pay Later {buyNowPayLater}
Other expenses {otherExpenses}
Do you anticipate that your living expenses noted above will increase as a result of this loan? {doYouAnticipateThatYourLivingExpensesNotedAboveWillIncreaseAsAResultOfThisLoan}
Please estimate the total amount of increase {pleaseEstimateTheTotalAmountOfIncrease}

Additional information

Do you require a credit card  
Would you also like to apply for a credit card as part of this application? {wouldYouAlsoLikeToApplyForACreditCardAsPartOfThisApplication}
What credit card limit do you wish to apply for? {whatCreditCardLimitDoYouWishToApplyFor}
Are there any significant foreseeable upcoming changes to your financial circumstances, which may impact your earnings or ability to make repayments (e.g employment changes)? {significantforeseeableupcomingchanges}
Please provide reason why and by how much do you anticipate your monthly net disposable income to decrease? {Pleaseprovidereasonwhy}
Have you ever had any judgement, garnishees or other legal proceedings against you in the last five years (including bankruptcy) {Haveyoueverhadany}
If yes, please detail: {ifYesPleaseDetail}
Has either member acted as a guarantor for any other loans? {hasEitherMemberActedAsAGuarantorForAnyOtherLoans}
If yes, please detail {ifYesPleaseDetail1}
Please provide any other information that will help us process your application {pleaseProvideAnyOtherInformationThatWillHelpUsProcessYourApplication}

Important Information

Is this loan to be used predominantly (i.e. more than 50%) for {isThisLoanToBeUsedPredominantlyIeMoreThan50For}
Would you like product information? {wouldYouLikeProductInformation}
If yes: {ifYes}
Would you like to make a no-obligation, complimentary appointment to see a financial planner? {wouldYouLikeToMakeANoObligationComplimentaryAppointmentToSeeAFinancialPlanner}
Declaration by Applicants  
I/We accept the above statements and conditions {iWeAcceptTheAboveStatementsAndConditions}
I/We declare that I have read, understood and accept the above terms and conditions {iWeDeclareThatIHaveReadUnderstoodAndAcceptTheAboveTermsAndConditions}

Hi team,

Please be advised that the '{form_name}' has been completed on the website. Joint application.

Home loan application

I am applying... {iAmApplying}


Applicant 1 Personal Details

Are you a member? {areYouAMemberOne}
What is your member number? {whatIsYourMemberNumberOne}
Title {titleOne}
Other {otherOne}
First name {firstNameOne}
Middle name {middleName1}
Last name {lastNameOne}
Preferred contact options {preferredContactOptions1}
Mobile number {mobileNumber1}
Email address {emailAddress1}
Have you been known by another name? If yes, please advise: {haveYouBeenKnownByAnotherNameIfYesPleaseAdvise1}

Applicant 2 Personal Details

Are you a member? {areYouAMember2}
What is your member number? {whatIsYourMemberNumber2}
Title {title2}
Other {other2}
First name {firstName2}
Middle name {middleName2}
Last name {lastName2}
Preferred contact options {preferredContactOptions2}
Mobile number {mobileNumber2}
Email address {emailAddress2}
Have you been known by another name? If yes, please advise: {haveYouBeenKnownByAnotherNameIfYesPleaseAdvise2}

Loan details

What loan would you like to apply for? {whatLoanWouldYouLikeToApplyFor}
Amount required {amountRequired1}
Purpose of the loan {purposeOfTheLoan1}
How did you hear about us? {howDidYouHearAboutUs}
Other {other5}
Do you belong to any of these groups? {doYouBelongToAnyOfTheseGroups}
How would you like your application handled? {howWouldYouLikeYourApplicationHandled}
Please select which branch {pleaseSelectWhichBranch}
Please select a Mobile Lender {pleaseSelectAMobileLender}
Please select your Business Relationship Manager {pleaseSelectYourBusinessRelationshipManager}
Are there any guarantors? {areThereAnyGuarantors}
Guarantor 1 {guarantor1}
Guarantor 2 {guarantor2}
Guarantor 3 {guarantor3}
Guarantor 4 {guarantor4}
I/We expressly consent to you disclosing my/our credit report to the proposed guarantor(s) nominated above. {iWeExpresslyConsentToYouDisclosingMyourCreditReportToTheProposedGuarantorSNominatedAbove}

Applicant 1 Personal Details Continued

Date of birth {dateOfBirth1}
Driver's licence number {driversLicenceNumber1}
Driver's licence expiry date {driversLicenceExpiryDate1}
Marital status {maritalStatus1}
Current address  
Street no. & name {streetNoName1}
Suburb {suburb1}
State {state1}
Postcode {postcode1}
Started living at address {startedLivingAtAddress1}
Years at current address {yearsAtCurrentAddress1}
Previous address  
Previous Street no. & name {previousStreetNoName1}
Previous Suburb {previousSuburb1}
Previous State {previousState1}
Previous postcode {previousPostcode}
Residential status {residentialStatus}
Different postal address? {differentPostalAddress}
Postal address  
Postal Street no. & name {postalStreetNoName1}
Postal suburb {postalSuburb1}
Postal state {postalState1}
Postal postcode {postalPostcode1}
Are you an Australian citizen? {areYouAnAustralianCitizen1}
If no, what is your country of Citizenship? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfCitizenship1}
Are you an Australian resident? {areYouAnAustralianResident1}
If no, what is your country of Residency? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfResidency1}
Are you a resident for tax purposes of another country? {areYouAResidentForTaxPurposesOfAnotherCountry1}
How many people are financially dependent on you? {howManyPeopleAreFinanciallyDependentOnYou1}
What are their ages? {whatAreTheirAges}
Applicant 1 Employment and Income Details  
Occupation {occupation1}
Employment status {employmentStatus1}
Employer / business name {employerBusinessName1}
Employer address {employerAddress1}
Date started at employment {dateStartedAtEmployment1}
Duration of employment {durationOfEmployment1}
Employer phone number {employerPhoneNumber1}
Gross income from main employment ($) {grossIncomeFromMainEmployment1}
Gross income frequency {Grossincomefrequency1}
Rental income ($) {rentalIncome1}
Rental income frequency {rentalIncomeFrequency1}
Child maintenance income ($) {childMaintenanceIncome1}
Child maintenance income frequency {childMaintenanceIncomeFrequency1}
Total other income ($) {totalOtherIncome1}
Total other income frequency {totalOtherIncomeFrequency1}
Previous occupation {previousOccupation1}
Previous employment status {previousEmploymentStatus1}
Previous employer / business name {previousEmployerBusinessName1}
Previous employer phone number {previousEmployerPhoneNumber1}
Previous employer address {previousEmployerAddress1}
Previous duration of employment {previousDurationOfEmployment1}

Applicant 2 Personal Details Continued

Date of birth {dateOfBirth2}
Driver's licence number {driversLicenceNumber2}
Driver's licence expiry date {driversLicenceExpiryDate2}
Marital status {maritalStatus2}
Current address  
Street no. & name {streetNoName2}
Suburb {suburb2}
State {state2}
Postcode {postcode2}
Started living at address {startedLivingAtAddress2}
Years at current address {yearsAtCurrentAddress2}
Previous address  
Previous Street no. & name {previousStreetNoName2}
Previous Suburb {previousSuburb2}
Previous State {previousState2}
Previous postcode {previousPostcode2}
Residential status {residentialStatus2}
Different postal address? {differentPostalAddress2}
Postal address  
Postal Street no. & name {postalStreetNoName2}
Postal suburb {postalSuburb2}
Postal state {postalState2}
Postal postcode {postalPostcode2}
Are you an Australian citizen? {areYouAnAustralianCitizen2}
If no, what is your country of Citizenship? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfCitizenship2}
Are you an Australian resident? {areYouAnAustralianResident2}
If no, what is your country of Residency? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfResidency2}
Are you a resident for tax purposes of another country? {areYouAResidentForTaxPurposesOfAnotherCountry2}
How many people are financially dependent on you? {howManyPeopleAreFinanciallyDependentOnYou2}
What are their ages? {whatAreTheirAges2}
Applicant 1 Employment and Income Details  
Occupation {occupation2}
Employment status {employmentStatus2}
Employer / business name {employerBusinessName2}
Employer address {employerAddress2}
Date started at employment {dateStartedAtEmployment2}
Duration of employment {durationOfEmployment2}
Employer phone number {employerPhoneNumber2}
Gross income from main employment ($) {grossIncomeFromMainEmployment2}
Gross income frequency {grossIncomeFrequency2}
Rental income ($) {rentalIncome2}
Rental income frequency {rentalIncomeFrequency2}
Child maintenance income ($) {childMaintenanceIncome2}
Child maintenance income frequency {childMaintenanceIncomeFrequency2}
Total other income ($) {totalOtherIncome2}
Total other income frequency {totalOtherIncomeFrequency2}
Previous occupation {previousOccupation2}
Previous employment status {previousEmploymentStatus2}
Previous employer / business name {previousEmployerBusinessName2}
Previous employer phone number {previousEmployerPhoneNumber2}
Previous employer address {previousEmployerAddress2}
Previous duration of employment {previousDurationOfEmployment2}
Date of birth {dateOfBirth3}
Driver's licence number {driversLicenceNumber3}
Driver's licence expiry date {driversLicenceExpiryDate3}
Marital status {maritalStatus3}
Current address  
Street no. & name {streetNoName3}
Suburb {suburb3}
State {state3}
Postcode {postcode3}
Started living at address {startedLivingAtAddress3}
Years at current address {yearsAtCurrentAddress3}
Previous address  
Previous Street no. & name {previousStreetNoName3}
Previous Suburb {previousSuburb3}
Previous State {previousState3}
Previous postcode {previousPostcode3}
Residential status {residentialStatus3}
Different postal address? {differentPostalAddress3}
Postal address  
Postal Street no. & name {postalStreetNoName3}
Postal suburb {postalSuburb3}
Postal state {postalState3}
Postal postcode {postalPostcode3}
Are you an Australian citizen? {areYouAnAustralianCitizen3}
If no, what is your country of Citizenship? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfCitizenship3}
Are you an Australian resident? {areYouAnAustralianResident3}
If no, what is your country of Residency? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfResidency3}
Are you a resident for tax purposes of another country? {areYouAResidentForTaxPurposesOfAnotherCountry3}
How many people are financially dependent on you? {howManyPeopleAreFinanciallyDependentOnYou3}
What are their ages? {whatAreTheirAges3}
Applicant 1 Employment and Income Details  
Occupation {occupation3}
Employment status {employmentStatus3}
Employer / business name {employerBusinessName3}
Employer address {employerAddress3}
Date started at employment {dateStartedAtEmployment3}
Duration of employment {durationOfEmployment3}
Employer phone number {employerPhoneNumber3}
Gross income from main employment ($) {grossIncomeFromMainEmployment3}
Gross income frequency {grossIncomeFrequency3}
Rental income ($) {rentalIncome3}
Rental income frequency {rentalIncomeFrequency3}
Child maintenance income ($) {childMaintenanceIncome3}
Child maintenance income frequency {childMaintenanceIncomeFrequency3}
Total other income ($) {totalOtherIncome3}
Total other income frequency {totalOtherIncomeFrequency3}
Previous occupation {previousOccupation3}
Previous employment status {previousEmploymentStatus3}
Previous employer / business name {previousEmployerBusinessName3}
Previous employer phone number {previousEmployerPhoneNumber3}
Previous employer address {previousEmployerAddress3}
Previous duration of employment {previousDurationOfEmployment3}

Tell us about the things you own

Do you have any of the following? {doYouHaveAnyOfTheFollowing}
Property address: {propertyAddress1}
Value: {value1}
Add another Property? {addAnotherProperty1}
Property address: {propertyAddress2}
Value: {value2}
Add another Property? {addAnotherProperty3}
Property address: {propertyAddress3}
Value: {value3}
Make: {make1}
Model: {model1}
Year: {year1}
Value: {value11}
Add another Vehicle? {addAnotherVehicle1}
Make: {make2}
Model: {model2}
Year: {year2}
Value: {value22}
Add another Vehicle? {addAnotherVehicle2}
Make: {make3}
Model: {model3}
Year: {year3}
Value: {value33}
Name of insurer: {nameOfInsurer}
Please enter the value of your household contents: {pleaseEnterTheValueOfYourHouseholdContents}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution1}
Balance {balance1}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution2}
Balance: {balance2}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount2}
Financial Institution: {financialInstitution3}
Balance: {balance3}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount4}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution4}
Balance: {balance4}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount5}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution5}
Balance: {balance5}
Applicant 1  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund1}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount1}
Applicant 2  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund2}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount2}
Applicant 3  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund3}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount3}
Applicant 4  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund4}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount4}
Tools of trade  
Applicant 1  
Description: {description1}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue1}
Applicant 2  
Description: {description2}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue2}
Applicant 3  
Description: {description3}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue3}
Applicant 4  
Description: {description4}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue4}
Please enter the value of your Shares: {pleaseEnterTheValueOfYourShares}
Details: {details1}
Value: {value111}
Add another? {addAnother1}
Details: {details2}
Value: {value222}
Add another? {addAnother3}
Details: {details3}
Value: {value333}
Add another? {addAnother4}
Details: {details4}
Value: {value444}
Add another? {addAnother5}
Details: {details5}
Value: {value555}

Tell us about your financial commitments

Do you have any of the following? {doYouHaveAnyOfTheFollowing2}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution11}
Repayment: {repayment1}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency1}
Balance: {balance11}
Add another Mortgage? {addAnotherMortgage}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution22}
Repayment: {repayment2}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency22}
Balance: {balance22}
Add another Mortgage? {addAnotherMortgage3}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution33}
Repayment: {repayment3}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency33}
Balance: {balance33}
Rent / Board  
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord1}
Amount: {amount111}
Frequency: {frequency111}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard}
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord2}
Amount: {amount222}
Frequency: {frequency222}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard2}
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord3}
Amount: {amount333}
Frequency: {frequency333}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard4}
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord4}
Amount: {amount444}
Frequency: {frequency444}
Personal Loan  
Financial institution: {financialInstitution111}
Repayment: {repayment11}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency111}
Balance: {balance111}
Add another Personal Loan? {addAnotherPersonalLoan1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution222}
Repayment: {repayment22}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency222}
Balance: {balance222}
Add another Personal Loan? {addAnotherPersonalLoan3}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution333}
Repayment: {repayment33}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency333}
Balance: {balance333}
Novated Car Lease  
Financial institution: {financialInstitution1111}
Repayment: {repayment1111}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency1111}
Balance: {balance1111}
Credit/Store Cards  
Financial institution: {financialInstitution11111}
Balance: {balance11111}
Limit: {limit11111}
Add another Credit/Store Card? {addAnotherCreditStoreCard1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution22222}
Balance: {balance22222}
Limit: {limit22222}
Add another Credit/Store Card? {addAnotherCreditStoreCard2}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution33333}
Balance: {balance33333}
Limit: {limit33333}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution111111}
Balance: {balance111111}
Limit: {limit111111}
Add another overdraft? {addanotheroverdraft1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution222222}
Balance: {balance222222}
Limit: {limit222222}
Add another overdraft? {addanotheroverdraft2}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution333333}
Balance: {balance333333}
Limit: {limit333333}
Higher Education Loan Program (e.g HECS-HELP)  
Please enter your outstanding debt balance: {pleaseEnterYourOutstandingDebtBalance}
Child Support  
Please enter the amount of child support you pay: {pleaseEnterTheAmountOfChildSupportYouPay}
Payment Frequency: {ChildSupportpaymentFrequency}
Description: {descriptionD}
Repayment: {repaymentD}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequencyD}
Balance {balanceD}
Add another? {addAnotherD}
Description: {descriptionDD}
Repayment: {repaymentDD}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequencyDD}
Add another? {addAnotherDD}
Description: {descriptionDDD}
Repayment: {repaymentDDD}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequencyDDD}
Balance: {balanceDDD}

Your monthly costs of living

Utilities {utilities}
Communication {communication}
Education {education}
Clothing {clothing}
Food {food}
Health Care {healthCare}
Insurance {insurance}
Transport {transport}
Buy Now - Pay Later {buyNowPayLater}
Other expenses {otherExpenses}
Do you anticipate that your living expenses noted above will increase as a result of this loan? {doYouAnticipateThatYourLivingExpensesNotedAboveWillIncreaseAsAResultOfThisLoan}
Please estimate the total amount of increase {pleaseEstimateTheTotalAmountOfIncrease}

Additional information

Do you require a credit card  
Would you also like to apply for a credit card as part of this application? {wouldYouAlsoLikeToApplyForACreditCardAsPartOfThisApplication}
What credit card limit do you wish to apply for? {whatCreditCardLimitDoYouWishToApplyFor}
Are there any significant foreseeable upcoming changes to your financial circumstances, which may impact your earnings or ability to make repayments (e.g employment changes)? {significantforeseeableupcomingchanges}
Please provide reason why and by how much do you anticipate your monthly net disposable income to decrease? {Pleaseprovidereasonwhy}
Have you ever had any judgement, garnishees or other legal proceedings against you in the last five years (including bankruptcy) {Haveyoueverhadany}
If yes, please detail: {ifYesPleaseDetail}
Has either member acted as a guarantor for any other loans? {hasEitherMemberActedAsAGuarantorForAnyOtherLoans}
If yes, please detail {ifYesPleaseDetail1}
Please provide any other information that will help us process your application {pleaseProvideAnyOtherInformationThatWillHelpUsProcessYourApplication}

Important Information

Is this loan to be used predominantly (i.e. more than 50%) for {isThisLoanToBeUsedPredominantlyIeMoreThan50For}
Would you like product information? {wouldYouLikeProductInformation}
If yes: {ifYes}
Would you like to make a no-obligation, complimentary appointment to see a financial planner? {wouldYouLikeToMakeANoObligationComplimentaryAppointmentToSeeAFinancialPlanner}
Declaration by Applicants  
I/We accept the above statements and conditions {iWeAcceptTheAboveStatementsAndConditions}
I/We declare that I have read, understood and accept the above terms and conditions {iWeDeclareThatIHaveReadUnderstoodAndAcceptTheAboveTermsAndConditions}

Hi team,

Please be advised that the '{form_name}' has been completed on the website. 3 person application.

Home loan application

I am applying... {iAmApplying}


Applicant 1 Personal Details

Are you a member? {areYouAMemberOne}
What is your member number? {whatIsYourMemberNumberOne}
Title {titleOne}
Other {otherOne}
First name {firstNameOne}
Middle name {middleName1}
Last name {lastNameOne}
Preferred contact options {preferredContactOptions1}
Mobile number {mobileNumber1}
Email address {emailAddress1}
Have you been known by another name? If yes, please advise: {haveYouBeenKnownByAnotherNameIfYesPleaseAdvise1}

Applicant 2 Personal Details

Are you a member? {areYouAMember2}
What is your member number? {whatIsYourMemberNumber2}
Title {title2}
Other {other2}
First name {firstName2}
Middle name {middleName2}
Last name {lastName2}
Preferred contact options {preferredContactOptions2}
Mobile number {mobileNumber2}
Email address {emailAddress2}
Have you been known by another name? If yes, please advise: {haveYouBeenKnownByAnotherNameIfYesPleaseAdvise2}

Applicant 3 Personal Details

Are you a member? {areYouAMember3}
What is your member number? {whatIsYourMemberNumber3}
Title {title3}
Other {other3}
First name {firstName3}
Middle name {middleName3}
Last name {lastName3}
Preferred contact options {preferredContactOptions3}
Mobile number {mobileNumber3}
Email address {emailAddress3}
Have you been known by another name? If yes, please advise: {haveYouBeenKnownByAnotherNameIfYesPleaseAdvise3}


Loan details

What loan would you like to apply for? {whatLoanWouldYouLikeToApplyFor}
Amount required {amountRequired1}
Purpose of the loan {purposeOfTheLoan1}
How did you hear about us? {howDidYouHearAboutUs}
Other {other5}
Do you belong to any of these groups? {doYouBelongToAnyOfTheseGroups}
How would you like your application handled? {howWouldYouLikeYourApplicationHandled}
Please select which branch {pleaseSelectWhichBranch}
Please select a Mobile Lender {pleaseSelectAMobileLender}
Please select your Business Relationship Manager {pleaseSelectYourBusinessRelationshipManager}
Are there any guarantors? {areThereAnyGuarantors}
Guarantor 1 {guarantor1}
Guarantor 2 {guarantor2}
Guarantor 3 {guarantor3}
Guarantor 4 {guarantor4}
I/We expressly consent to you disclosing my/our credit report to the proposed guarantor(s) nominated above. {iWeExpresslyConsentToYouDisclosingMyourCreditReportToTheProposedGuarantorSNominatedAbove}

Applicant 1 Personal Details Continued

Date of birth {dateOfBirth1}
Driver's licence number {driversLicenceNumber1}
Driver's licence expiry date {driversLicenceExpiryDate1}
Marital status {maritalStatus1}
Current address  
Street no. & name {streetNoName1}
Suburb {suburb1}
State {state1}
Postcode {postcode1}
Started living at address {startedLivingAtAddress1}
Years at current address {yearsAtCurrentAddress1}
Previous address  
Previous Street no. & name {previousStreetNoName1}
Previous Suburb {previousSuburb1}
Previous State {previousState1}
Previous postcode {previousPostcode}
Residential status {residentialStatus}
Different postal address? {differentPostalAddress}
Postal address  
Postal Street no. & name {postalStreetNoName1}
Postal suburb {postalSuburb1}
Postal state {postalState1}
Postal postcode {postalPostcode1}
Are you an Australian citizen? {areYouAnAustralianCitizen1}
If no, what is your country of Citizenship? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfCitizenship1}
Are you an Australian resident? {areYouAnAustralianResident1}
If no, what is your country of Residency? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfResidency1}
Are you a resident for tax purposes of another country? {areYouAResidentForTaxPurposesOfAnotherCountry1}
How many people are financially dependent on you? {howManyPeopleAreFinanciallyDependentOnYou1}
What are their ages? {whatAreTheirAges}
Applicant 1 Employment and Income Details  
Occupation {occupation1}
Employment status {employmentStatus1}
Employer / business name {employerBusinessName1}
Employer address {employerAddress1}
Date started at employment {dateStartedAtEmployment1}
Duration of employment {durationOfEmployment1}
Employer phone number {employerPhoneNumber1}
Gross income from main employment ($) {grossIncomeFromMainEmployment1}
Gross income frequency {Grossincomefrequency1}
Rental income ($) {rentalIncome1}
Rental income frequency {rentalIncomeFrequency1}
Child maintenance income ($) {childMaintenanceIncome1}
Child maintenance income frequency {childMaintenanceIncomeFrequency1}
Total other income ($) {totalOtherIncome1}
Total other income frequency {totalOtherIncomeFrequency1}
Previous occupation {previousOccupation1}
Previous employment status {previousEmploymentStatus1}
Previous employer / business name {previousEmployerBusinessName1}
Previous employer phone number {previousEmployerPhoneNumber1}
Previous employer address {previousEmployerAddress1}
Previous duration of employment {previousDurationOfEmployment1}

Applicant 2 Personal Details Continued

Date of birth {dateOfBirth2}
Driver's licence number {driversLicenceNumber2}
Driver's licence expiry date {driversLicenceExpiryDate2}
Marital status {maritalStatus2}
Current address  
Street no. & name {streetNoName2}
Suburb {suburb2}
State {state2}
Postcode {postcode2}
Started living at address {startedLivingAtAddress2}
Years at current address {yearsAtCurrentAddress2}
Previous address  
Previous Street no. & name {previousStreetNoName2}
Previous Suburb {previousSuburb2}
Previous State {previousState2}
Previous postcode {previousPostcode2}
Residential status {residentialStatus2}
Different postal address? {differentPostalAddress2}
Postal address  
Postal Street no. & name {postalStreetNoName2}
Postal suburb {postalSuburb2}
Postal state {postalState2}
Postal postcode {postalPostcode2}
Are you an Australian citizen? {areYouAnAustralianCitizen2}
If no, what is your country of Citizenship? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfCitizenship2}
Are you an Australian resident? {areYouAnAustralianResident2}
If no, what is your country of Residency? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfResidency2}
Are you a resident for tax purposes of another country? {areYouAResidentForTaxPurposesOfAnotherCountry2}
How many people are financially dependent on you? {howManyPeopleAreFinanciallyDependentOnYou2}
What are their ages? {whatAreTheirAges2}
Applicant 1 Employment and Income Details  
Occupation {occupation2}
Employment status {employmentStatus2}
Employer / business name {employerBusinessName2}
Employer address {employerAddress2}
Date started at employment {dateStartedAtEmployment2}
Duration of employment {durationOfEmployment2}
Employer phone number {employerPhoneNumber2}
Gross income from main employment ($) {grossIncomeFromMainEmployment2}
Gross income frequency {grossIncomeFrequency2}
Rental income ($) {rentalIncome2}
Rental income frequency {rentalIncomeFrequency2}
Child maintenance income ($) {childMaintenanceIncome2}
Child maintenance income frequency {childMaintenanceIncomeFrequency2}
Total other income ($) {totalOtherIncome2}
Total other income frequency {totalOtherIncomeFrequency2}
Previous occupation {previousOccupation2}
Previous employment status {previousEmploymentStatus2}
Previous employer / business name {previousEmployerBusinessName2}
Previous employer phone number {previousEmployerPhoneNumber2}
Previous employer address {previousEmployerAddress2}
Previous duration of employment {previousDurationOfEmployment2}

Applicant 3 Personal Details Continued

Date of birth {dateOfBirth3}
Driver's licence number {driversLicenceNumber3}
Driver's licence expiry date {driversLicenceExpiryDate3}
Marital status {maritalStatus3}
Current address  
Street no. & name {streetNoName3}
Suburb {suburb3}
State {state3}
Postcode {postcode3}
Started living at address {startedLivingAtAddress3}
Years at current address {yearsAtCurrentAddress3}
Previous address  
Previous Street no. & name {previousStreetNoName3}
Previous Suburb {previousSuburb3}
Previous State {previousState3}
Previous postcode {previousPostcode3}
Residential status {residentialStatus3}
Different postal address? {differentPostalAddress3}
Postal address  
Postal Street no. & name {postalStreetNoName3}
Postal suburb {postalSuburb3}
Postal state {postalState3}
Postal postcode {postalPostcode3}
Are you an Australian citizen? {areYouAnAustralianCitizen3}
If no, what is your country of Citizenship? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfCitizenship3}
Are you an Australian resident? {areYouAnAustralianResident3}
If no, what is your country of Residency? {ifNoWhatIsYourCountryOfResidency3}
Are you a resident for tax purposes of another country? {areYouAResidentForTaxPurposesOfAnotherCountry3}
How many people are financially dependent on you? {howManyPeopleAreFinanciallyDependentOnYou3}
What are their ages? {whatAreTheirAges3}
Applicant 1 Employment and Income Details  
Occupation {occupation3}
Employment status {employmentStatus3}
Employer / business name {employerBusinessName3}
Employer address {employerAddress3}
Date started at employment {dateStartedAtEmployment3}
Duration of employment {durationOfEmployment3}
Employer phone number {employerPhoneNumber3}
Gross income from main employment ($) {grossIncomeFromMainEmployment3}
Gross income frequency {grossIncomeFrequency3}
Rental income ($) {rentalIncome3}
Rental income frequency {rentalIncomeFrequency3}
Child maintenance income ($) {childMaintenanceIncome3}
Child maintenance income frequency {childMaintenanceIncomeFrequency3}
Total other income ($) {totalOtherIncome3}
Total other income frequency {totalOtherIncomeFrequency3}
Previous occupation {previousOccupation3}
Previous employment status {previousEmploymentStatus3}
Previous employer / business name {previousEmployerBusinessName3}
Previous employer phone number {previousEmployerPhoneNumber3}
Previous employer address {previousEmployerAddress3}
Previous duration of employment {previousDurationOfEmployment3}

Tell us about the things you own

Do you have any of the following? {doYouHaveAnyOfTheFollowing}
Property address: {propertyAddress1}
Value: {value1}
Add another Property? {addAnotherProperty1}
Property address: {propertyAddress2}
Value: {value2}
Add another Property? {addAnotherProperty3}
Property address: {propertyAddress3}
Value: {value3}
Make: {make1}
Model: {model1}
Year: {year1}
Value: {value11}
Add another Vehicle? {addAnotherVehicle1}
Make: {make2}
Model: {model2}
Year: {year2}
Value: {value22}
Add another Vehicle? {addAnotherVehicle2}
Make: {make3}
Model: {model3}
Year: {year3}
Value: {value33}
Name of insurer: {nameOfInsurer}
Please enter the value of your household contents: {pleaseEnterTheValueOfYourHouseholdContents}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution1}
Balance {balance1}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution2}
Balance: {balance2}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount2}
Financial Institution: {financialInstitution3}
Balance: {balance3}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount4}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution4}
Balance: {balance4}
Add another Savings account? {addAnotherSavingsAccount5}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution5}
Balance: {balance5}
Applicant 1  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund1}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount1}
Applicant 2  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund2}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount2}
Applicant 3  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund3}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount3}
Applicant 4  
Name of Super fund: {nameOfSuperFund4}
Vested amount: {vestedAmount4}
Tools of trade  
Applicant 1  
Description: {description1}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue1}
Applicant 2  
Description: {description2}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue2}
Applicant 3  
Description: {description3}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue3}
Applicant 4  
Description: {description4}
Estimated value: {estimatedValue4}
Please enter the value of your Shares: {pleaseEnterTheValueOfYourShares}
Details: {details1}
Value: {value111}
Add another? {addAnother1}
Details: {details2}
Value: {value222}
Add another? {addAnother3}
Details: {details3}
Value: {value333}
Add another? {addAnother4}
Details: {details4}
Value: {value444}
Add another? {addAnother5}
Details: {details5}
Value: {value555}

Tell us about your financial commitments

Do you have any of the following? {doYouHaveAnyOfTheFollowing2}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution11}
Repayment: {repayment1}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency1}
Balance: {balance11}
Add another Mortgage? {addAnotherMortgage}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution22}
Repayment: {repayment2}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency22}
Balance: {balance22}
Add another Mortgage? {addAnotherMortgage3}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution33}
Repayment: {repayment3}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency33}
Balance: {balance33}
Rent / Board  
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord1}
Amount: {amount111}
Frequency: {frequency111}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard}
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord2}
Amount: {amount222}
Frequency: {frequency222}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard2}
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord3}
Amount: {amount333}
Frequency: {frequency333}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard4}
Real Estate / Landlord: {realEstateLandlord4}
Amount: {amount444}
Frequency: {frequency444}
Personal Loan  
Financial institution: {financialInstitution111}
Repayment: {repayment11}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency111}
Balance: {balance111}
Add another Personal Loan? {addAnotherPersonalLoan1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution222}
Repayment: {repayment22}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency222}
Balance: {balance222}
Add another Personal Loan? {addAnotherPersonalLoan3}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution333}
Repayment: {repayment33}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency333}
Balance: {balance333}
Novated Car Lease  
Financial institution: {financialInstitution1111}
Repayment: {repayment1111}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequency1111}
Balance: {balance1111}
Credit/Store Cards  
Financial institution: {financialInstitution11111}
Balance: {balance11111}
Limit: {limit11111}
Add another Credit/Store Card? {addAnotherCreditStoreCard1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution22222}
Balance: {balance22222}
Limit: {limit22222}
Add another Credit/Store Card? {addAnotherCreditStoreCard2}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution33333}
Balance: {balance33333}
Limit: {limit33333}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution111111}
Balance: {balance111111}
Limit: {limit111111}
Add another overdraft? {addanotheroverdraft1}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution222222}
Balance: {balance222222}
Limit: {limit222222}
Add another overdraft? {addanotheroverdraft2}
Financial institution: {financialInstitution333333}
Balance: {balance333333}
Limit: {limit333333}
Higher Education Loan Program (e.g HECS-HELP)  
Please enter your outstanding debt balance: {pleaseEnterYourOutstandingDebtBalance}
Child Support  
Please enter the amount of child support you pay: {pleaseEnterTheAmountOfChildSupportYouPay}
Payment Frequency: {ChildSupportpaymentFrequency}
Description: {descriptionD}
Repayment: {repaymentD}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequencyD}
Balance {balanceD}
Add another? {addAnotherD}
Description: {descriptionDD}
Repayment: {repaymentDD}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequencyDD}
Add another? {addAnotherDD}
Description: {descriptionDDD}
Repayment: {repaymentDDD}
Repayment frequency: {repaymentFrequencyDDD}
Balance: {balanceDDD}

Your monthly costs of living

Utilities {utilities}
Communication {communication}
Education {education}
Clothing {clothing}
Food {food}
Health Care {healthCare}
Insurance {insurance}
Transport {transport}
Buy Now - Pay Later {buyNowPayLater}
Other expenses {otherExpenses}
Do you anticipate that your living expenses noted above will increase as a result of this loan? {doYouAnticipateThatYourLivingExpensesNotedAboveWillIncreaseAsAResultOfThisLoan}
Please estimate the total amount of increase {pleaseEstimateTheTotalAmountOfIncrease}

Additional information

Do you require a credit card  
Would you also like to apply for a credit card as part of this application? {wouldYouAlsoLikeToApplyForACreditCardAsPartOfThisApplication}
What credit card limit do you wish to apply for? {whatCreditCardLimitDoYouWishToApplyFor}
Are there any significant foreseeable upcoming changes to your financial circumstances, which may impact your earnings or ability to make repayments (e.g employment changes)? {significantforeseeableupcomingchanges}
Please provide reason why and by how much do you anticipate your monthly net disposable income to decrease? {Pleaseprovidereasonwhy}
Have you ever had any judgement, garnishees or other legal proceedings against you in the last five years (including bankruptcy) {Haveyoueverhadany}
If yes, please detail: {ifYesPleaseDetail}
Has either member acted as a guarantor for any other loans? {hasEitherMemberActedAsAGuarantorForAnyOtherLoans}
If yes, please detail {ifYesPleaseDetail1}
Please provide any other information that will help us process your application {pleaseProvideAnyOtherInformationThatWillHelpUsProcessYourApplication}

Important Information

Is this loan to be used predominantly (i.e. more than 50%) for {isThisLoanToBeUsedPredominantlyIeMoreThan50For}
Would you like product information? {wouldYouLikeProductInformation}
If yes: {ifYes}
Would you like to make a no-obligation, complimentary appointment to see a financial planner? {wouldYouLikeToMakeANoObligationComplimentaryAppointmentToSeeAFinancialPlanner}
Declaration by Applicants  
I/We accept the above statements and conditions {iWeAcceptTheAboveStatementsAndConditions}
I/We declare that I have read, understood and accept the above terms and conditions {iWeDeclareThatIHaveReadUnderstoodAndAcceptTheAboveTermsAndConditions}