The amount of money available for you borrow, based on your current financial state as determined by a financial institution. This calculation takes into account your income, living arrangements and expenses, other loan repayments and any other regular recurring payments you make.
Use our Borrowing Power calculator
If you wish to purchase a property at auction, it’s important to be aware of a few key points:
It is always best to apply for a pre-approval prior to the auction so that if you are the successful bidder you already have most of the legwork done.
Account - See 'Bank account'.
Account balance - See 'Balance'
Administration fees - Ongoing monthly fee that is charged by a bank for managing the bank account and providing the bank account services used by you.
Advocate - A person who supports, acts or speaks for you or another person or assists to communicate with authorities.
Anti Virus is designed to detect and remove viruses from computers but can also protect against a wide variety of threats, including other types of malicious software, such as key loggers, browser hijackers, trojans, spyware and ransomware.
How anti-virus software works
Anti-virus software typically runs as a background process, scanning computers, servers or mobile devices to detect and restrict the spread of malware.
Antivirus software usually performs these basic functions:
So be sure to purchase anti-virus software from a trusted source and always keep it updated. PC Mag have trialled and tested over 40 programs, check out their recommendations.
Measures unique characteristics of a person, such as voice pattern, the iris or retina pattern of the eye, the shape and composition of your face, or fingerprint patterns.
Reconciliation Action Plan